Lift my Gaze

Once, in a moment of despair and pain, that voice inside, that part of me that sometimes comes up with really wise things, said:

“Lift your gaze”

I thought that gaze was sort of a passive thing, like looking casually up at the clouds, but in fact gaze means “to look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.”

Gaze is powerful.

Where is my gaze now? On problems, overcoming everyday challenges and trying to feel worthwhile.

I remember the little poster above the sink in the yoga classroom that has picture of a Hindu deity: Krisna playing the flute. The words below the picture say:

“Keep thy mind fixed on me”.

The image is playful. It portrays ease and fun. Krisna casually playing the flute. Krisna is considered the Lord of compassion, tenderness, and love.

What would that mean to keep my mind fixed on playfulness, compassion, tenderness and love?