The Inner Diamond Shines Brightly


The design for this quilt came to me in Cheryl Arkison’s class on values. Cheryl helped me see the pattern in the light and dark fabrics. When playing with what design to create, I thought of the concept of the Inner Diamond as taught by Swami Radhananda at Yasodhara Ashram.

The Inner Diamond is the place of inner brilliance, light, knowledge and clarity. In the quilt design I surrounded it with the patchwork of light and dark aspects of life. The Inner Diamond is everlasting and shining brightly.

Photos by Laura Vanags taken at Yasodhara Ashram

We had fun taking pictures. I lucked out with such a talented roommate for my Yoga Development Course in 2015 Laura Vanags.

We had fun taking pictures. I lucked out with such a talented roommate for my Yoga Development Course in 2015 Laura Vanags.