Four things I am grateful for during the Pandemic

Five Things I am grateful for during the pandemic

  1. My husband working from home.

    Before the pandemic my husband was travelling up to 3 nights per week for work. That all got grounded in March and I was thrilled. Somehow, whatever big important things that was taking him away from his family for half the week are still getting done. Looking back, he realizes that he was running himself ragged and expending energy he didn’t have to. It was taking a toll on his health and affecting our family. Now with new considerations in the world, the travel is too “risky” and things are getting done in other ways. I hope it stays this way as this change has been so much healthier for him and for us.

  2. Slower pace.

    The loss of our activities like playdates, swimming lessons, and preschool was concerning at first. Now we have settled into being at home and it is really peaceful. It just took some time to settle into being at home. There is beauty, richness, wonder, in our own backyard and in our own neighbourhood. There is no need to rush and race around.

  3. Focusing on key relationships.

    With this bubble/co-hort thing. We are spending more time with key people which allows us to develop deeper relationships with those people. Pre-pandemic, I may have spend time with one friend one week and another the next and another the next. Now, it is just one friend so this allows us to see each other more and develop a deeper bond. Being in a co-hort means that we are each other’s people. We are not spending time in all those various activities anymore where we would see different people every week and thus not have a chance to develop any real relationships.

  4. More intentional with energy

    The increased complications of going out makes us more intentional with our outings and activities and who we spend time with. This is essentially extremely wise use of energy. What activity or outing is really worth the “risk”. We are spending more time in nature. When we do go out, we tend to spend time outside. Yesterday, we braved a trip to Ikea. Instead of doddling and spending extra time and money on things we didn’t need we just got what we came for a got out. We left with what we needed, not feeling that we had wasted a beautiful evening shopping and keeping the money we would have normally spent on needless extras that caught our eyes.


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I have been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 years. I offer what I have learned from that journey to you in the form of

I have been living with chronic illness and exploring the healing journey for over 20 years. I offer what I have learned from that journey to you in the form of